Github repository for this project.
I use Obsidian to write down notes and my journal in markdown format. The app allows me to create relational notes. I can link these notes to each other, graph this relationship and use tags or dosens of plugins to make sense of my notes. But I always felt I needed to see more patterns and connections. And what is a better tool than Python to achieve this?
There is an Obsidian plugin which makes it easy to send the metadata (YAML) of each file to PostgreSQL database. From there on I can connect to the database and analyse my journal entries with Python. Here is my brief workflow:
- Keep taking notes in Obsidian
- Important to have consistent metadata (YAML) section. Some example things that can be tracked/recorded are: date, mood, weather, location etc.
- Download the PostgreSQL plugin for Obsidian
- After taking a note (journal, meeting etc) use this plugin to send the files metadata to PostgreSQL database.
- Use SQL in Python to analyse and visualise notes. In this Github repo you can follow all the steps.
The steps in Python are briefly:
- Connect to the PostgreSQL database in jupyter notebook (python):
%sql postgresql://username:password@host:port/database
- Create an SQL query. Example:
query = ‘’’ SELECT dataview_data -> ‘date’ as date, dataview_data -> ‘tags’ as tags, dataview_data -> ‘mood’ as mood, dataview_data -> ‘geom’ as geom FROM obsidian.file; ‘’’
- Convert the data from the database into pandas using an SQL query and SQLAlchemy engine:
df = pd.read_sql(query, engine)
- Edit dataframe if necessary
- Convert dataframe to GeoPandas and map with IpyLeaflet
- Plot data
- (Optional) Use Streamlit to create a dashboard if you prefer
To reveal further connection between the notes, one can even use dataframe.corr() function to see the correlation between metadata fields. This can help answer questions like “Do I feel better on the days where I have a walk?”.
I know there is a lot of benefit of keeping a hand written journal. But I need to be able to analyse the information that I’m documenting. Sending data to PostgreSQL and then to Python proved to be a very efficient way to do this.